Monday, November 9, 2009

Mumbai Monsoon

Have you ever wondered what gives you the ultimate thrill??For me its not a tough one to answer it would be the never ending monsoon of mumbai which all mumbaikars would have experienced but do everyone see the same way i do i guess not many. In a city which is constantly jolted by terrorist attacks, bomb blasts and riots with no certainity of what would happen next second the one thing which never fails and keeps up its constitency throughout is the mumbai monsoon it is when the rain gods just shrine all their blessings upon the city!!

In a strange way the city looks so beautiful during this time which is hard not to notice even admist the frantic pace and constant madness that prevails around. It takes a beautiful form where everything looks green. You can never see any place where it rains at a constant pace as it does in mumbai for days and days. It is indeed a time when i just go out and drench myself like a kid enjoying every moment of it in a way i feel a sense of purity in it where all my sins are washed off and i am reborn again.

May be it is a more glorifying way of seeing it but then it is just how i feel about it. I feel pity for people who have not experienced it and for the people who have felt the same way i do they do know what i am talking about, Indeed the mumbai monsoons are the one to Die for!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Memories!!Every one of us have loads of it whether its good or bad it just lies in a corner of our subconscious minds often giving us a wake up call. When you think of it life presents itself in front of you in a strange sort of way where nothing can be called as a certainity we meet people some of them whom we like,love,admire and idolize and then they just move away like a passing cloud sprinkling water on its way to the summit after a while they stay as a memory with us forever but are these memories only meant to be in a good way.
Well I dont think so, all of us would have a mixture of good and bad ones thats how the life unfolds but in a way both of them make your heart ache one in a pleasant way and other one in a sense of remorse.
Good are the ones which would be lingering in your mind and heart deeply which reminds of all the good things you have seen shared and loved.Somewhere in corner of your heart it makes you secretly wish that it could have stayed long but at the end of the day we have to move on by being grateful to all those things which would live on our senses till the end of our journey!!
Bad are the ones which give you nightmares like someone constantly hammering on your head with a sharp pointed nail and trying to get as deep as possible in a attempt to paralyze you those are the things which you wish you would not have done it that way or you were not part of the ones which went that way it makes you feel illhearted.Again even they live on our senses till we are on this earth.
Well in that sense i realized there is no escapism route for that which i was trying too hard to find out so that it can be erased forever but then it is not any sci-fi movie and in reality everyone has to go through the drill and just hope for more of good memories in the forthcoming journey!!
Today as i walk across the lane outside my office with a coffee in my hand i see the beautiful fountain in front of me and it brings me the memory of all the beautiful things i have come across in my life and at the same time there are those bad ones waiting to tame me down..Well the battle never ends..;))