Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Being Happy!!

Decided to blog today rather after a long time was thinking about what should i blog has i wasn't able to zero in on a particular topic to write about the very thought of it made me come to a conclusion about a thing which i have been pondering about quite a lot these days it is something which we all has individuals in different walks of life look forward to no matter what circumstances and situations we are going through has a human being our whole system has been programmed to look out for this all the time in various ways and forms in every single second of our existence. It is all about the most over used term "Happiness" and associated siblings forms of it like Happy,Joyful..etc.

Have constantly heard this word being used in one context or other from every third person from the time i started stepping into the real world..Has a kid have listened to parents and teachers saying it quite often to make me study the usual methodology of conning you..;)I am sure all of us would have heard it goes like this if you study well now you will be happy through out your entire life..;)At that point of time i had a thought studying well was only the prescribed drug to make one happy..;)Then has time went by realized that the whole idea was a big joke..;)

On a serious thought wondering about from where and when the idea of being happy and happiness props up is indeed a very difficult thing to close in has we all would have different thoughts on the same i am just going by the things which makes sense to me..Have often listened and read from people saying "Happiness is all about being content with what you have rather than looking out" honestly it does not make any sense to me..If we stop looking for different things in life and being content with whatever we have won't we become like nothing than mere robots..;) Has Al pacino Says in Scent of a Woman, "The Day we stop looking charlie is the day we die" Going by that context in my view being happy is not derived from the materialistic value of a person or a recognition of one in the society on being content with what he/she have if that is the case then our whole very existence would be defined by a reason.

To me its all about looking beyond the obvious and deriving it out of small things in and out of our daily life for instance a call/chat with a close friend,Helping someone in need,Reading a wonderful book,Watching the fall colors on the maple leaves and admiring it for hours,Walking with the cold wind blowing across my face and hair,Seeing picture of my niece which leaves a chuckle on my face, Having eye contact with a beautiful girl while walking across the street..;)These are the just examples of so many instances which we all might come across in a day to today life..Many a times we fail to observe these including me..Then many times we also fail to realize how much smaller things like these made us feel being happy..To me life and deriving happiness out of it is all about pushing oneself across the boundaries and testing oneself in every way in the process looking out for smaller things along the way.

It won't be sunshine everyday where a day starts and ends with beautiful moments..Many a times it would be rainy,stormy or gloomy..Then these small things would help us out to be sane and happy then so called list of things which is needed for happiness..but then it should be noticed !!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Long Drive!!

It was one of those days when the feeling just sets in you that makes you think apart from what the whole world is thinking and some how urges you to know more in depth about yourself than anyone else ever existed in the world in a way to spend more time with yourself it was a day like that infact a very bad day when all I ever wanted was to get some fresh air and stay away from all the chaos around me to stay alone for some time.

I wavered my thoughts around for a certain point of time to decide on what exactly I should be doing then I decided the best option would be to go for a drive.;)) I started driving just keeping one thing in my mind let me just drive to near by McDonalds and have a latte(Mocha twirl) to feel better as I finished the mocha another thought came into my mind let me drive further for some more time as it was I stepped into the car and hit on the accelerator to the journey towards unknown initially I entered a lonely road with no one around as I kept on driving I was able to visualize one of the most stunning things I had ever seen the whole area was surrounded lushly green!!

Then I entered a very narrow road surrounded by tall trees and back waters all the way running on the other side of the road where a fierce truck passed by me at 60mph almost pushing me down the alley with the car..;)) I felt bit apprehensive at that moment on should I continue further or turn back given the fact I was driving a rental car then at the end of the day what is there in life without a certain level of risk involved in it as it was I started driving further now I reached a another passage of road which was not narrow as the earlier one it was more like a country side where old people sitting outside and sipping their coffee in the balcony, Kids playing in the backyard and beautiful girls taking out their dogs for a walk at the same time chatting with their iphones!!

It was indeed a very beautiful sight to endure and self discover myself from the madness prevailing around in day to day life!! After a while I felt like I am lost as I didn’t have a idea where the road leads me up to but I didn’t care as all the while I was the having the time of my life..;)) As it was finally I reached my office back after 90 mins of driving along the wild and wonderful West Virginia. I felt a sense of comfortness and all the feeling of uneasiness seems to have vanished off in a way I realized there is so much happening around you in a day's life sometimes all you need to do is take off to know yourself more than anyone else and to come in terms with the reality which life throws at you. As I was approaching my cubicle my friend asked me where were you all this time I just said I went for drive for which he replied back saying what was this all about the reason behind going alone without anyone for this much time. All I had to say was just like that I felt like going and I left... ;))

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

King of Lazy Elegance!!

As it is flavour of the season i am penning about the same..shudn't be a difficult guess it is indeed Cricket!! Every single kid born in india would be in some way or other related to the game. Either they would have played or would be ardent fans of the game. I am no different we all would have played the game atleast once and some of us like me would fall into the category of those millions who aspired to make it big but somehow lost the plot in the course of it and ended up being just a specatator in a country where sports doesn't make any sense to a ordinary middle class family..;))..Well i should say now given the money involved in it is starting to reduce atleast in cricket..;))

We all would have our own heroes whom we idolise in the game ranging from the gavaskars and kapils to sachins and dhonis in the latest era ..If you ask a young indian who is your favourite cricketer every single guy would say "Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar" there is no denying the fact that he is a class act..He is a born genius with a talent only people can dream off in their life..Leaving that fact behind if there was ever a artist in the cricket field dedicating terms to the opposition with style and panache in every single move then it got to be none other than the king of lazy elegance "Mark Edward Waugh".

He was my idol all during my playing days he was indeed like a artist who was holding a bat in his hand instead of canvas ..If you ever know what is the meaning of carving the ball than thumping it or stroking it then it should be learned from the great cricketer no one in world cricket has been able to do it till date as Mark did it during his hey days..It was indeed a treat to watch him bat those flicks off the wrist at the last moment when the bowler wonders it has brushed his pads to the keeper or the cover drives with one leg leaned behind it was a sight of its own..My all time favourite shot of his would be the one when he walks down the track just two steps down the line and flicks the bowler over midwicket for a six..Even If he scores 10 odd runs it would have class written all over it!!

I use to imitate each and every thing which mark used to do like after every delivery rolling the bat in the hand, having the shirt collar up and always giving a impression to the bowler i dont give a damn who the hell you are..;))..Many times have attempted the lazy flick which mark plays with such panache but in my case most of them i have got hold out in the midwicket much to the dismay of my team mates who use to be ready to eat me up for throwing my wicket way..;))..The fact is nobody can ever play the way he did it and the class which he brought to the game..he may be not be greatest cricketer in the world neither have the best average in the world arena..but world would never see an another great "Mark Edward Waugh" who was indeed carving the ball like sketching a beautiful woman's caricature with his hands in the cricket field..I am glad i was born in a era where i was able to see a stunning piece of stroke play which cricket would ever witness..Hail "King of Lazy Elegance"

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It would have been Better!!

Its been almost three months since i last blogged..Coming back rather after a long haitus..Its just that sometimes life takes a lot out of you crippling you from doing what you want to do and end up doing something which u never imagine!! In that sense it has also been 3 months after i had moved to a new place in the mountains of west virginia..Rather moving away from the more modernized way of life to more of a country side experience in the so called land of dreams!!

When i see myself life is sort of becoming more monotonous where i get up early in the morning dress up like a gentleman and go out to work with people some of whom are exciting while many are boring..Everyday new challenges in work and many things to learn..i do slog like a donkey and ensure that i make it up to the so called level of expectations in many cases in the end i am able to raise the bar at the right time and accomplish it!! Then i pose a question to myelf does that make me happy in anyway..Well to be honest the answer is i am not really sure about that..Life goes the same way from monday to friday with work and music in my ipod!! Weekend goes on sleeping for two days to catch up with the sleep for 5 days in a week!!

It has taken lot out of me to become a person like who i am now from the one who i was..Now all i can think of in my life is my work and things to achieve in the process of reaching high up in the ladder where many are waiting to pull my leg down when they sneak a chance and fight goes on for me to stick up to the ladder..Suddenly a feeling sets in where i realize that i am missing something which i really dont know what it is but all i know there is a void which has left hopeless emptiness in me and makes me to simply forget everything thing from keeping in touch with the loved ones to falling in love to checking out a beautiful girl to playing sports and watching all those cricket,soccer matches admiring the game..All these feelings seems to have just faded away!!

I do feel when i see people wont it have been good if things had happened the way i wanted them to be in various contexts..Then a thought crossed my mind in relation to a mail which i read recently wont it be good if life was in reverse like what Brad Pitt had in "Curious case of benjamin button" born as old man, grow up to middle age man with kids, then turn up young partying,playing and tripping hard like hell..Fall in love,bunk classes and then one fine day end up finishing off in a orgasm..;))..It would have certainly made things much better to what it is right now..Well as the saying goes there are two important days in a person life one would be the day when you are born and second one is the day when you realize the reason for you being born..Sadly for many the second day never comes..But i do hope it happens for me.. ;))