Saturday, May 15, 2010

Long Drive!!

It was one of those days when the feeling just sets in you that makes you think apart from what the whole world is thinking and some how urges you to know more in depth about yourself than anyone else ever existed in the world in a way to spend more time with yourself it was a day like that infact a very bad day when all I ever wanted was to get some fresh air and stay away from all the chaos around me to stay alone for some time.

I wavered my thoughts around for a certain point of time to decide on what exactly I should be doing then I decided the best option would be to go for a drive.;)) I started driving just keeping one thing in my mind let me just drive to near by McDonalds and have a latte(Mocha twirl) to feel better as I finished the mocha another thought came into my mind let me drive further for some more time as it was I stepped into the car and hit on the accelerator to the journey towards unknown initially I entered a lonely road with no one around as I kept on driving I was able to visualize one of the most stunning things I had ever seen the whole area was surrounded lushly green!!

Then I entered a very narrow road surrounded by tall trees and back waters all the way running on the other side of the road where a fierce truck passed by me at 60mph almost pushing me down the alley with the car..;)) I felt bit apprehensive at that moment on should I continue further or turn back given the fact I was driving a rental car then at the end of the day what is there in life without a certain level of risk involved in it as it was I started driving further now I reached a another passage of road which was not narrow as the earlier one it was more like a country side where old people sitting outside and sipping their coffee in the balcony, Kids playing in the backyard and beautiful girls taking out their dogs for a walk at the same time chatting with their iphones!!

It was indeed a very beautiful sight to endure and self discover myself from the madness prevailing around in day to day life!! After a while I felt like I am lost as I didn’t have a idea where the road leads me up to but I didn’t care as all the while I was the having the time of my life..;)) As it was finally I reached my office back after 90 mins of driving along the wild and wonderful West Virginia. I felt a sense of comfortness and all the feeling of uneasiness seems to have vanished off in a way I realized there is so much happening around you in a day's life sometimes all you need to do is take off to know yourself more than anyone else and to come in terms with the reality which life throws at you. As I was approaching my cubicle my friend asked me where were you all this time I just said I went for drive for which he replied back saying what was this all about the reason behind going alone without anyone for this much time. All I had to say was just like that I felt like going and I left... ;))